Papers, 1920-1965.


Papers, 1920-1965.

Diaries from LDS mission and years as a college student. The large block of material was generated while editor of the "Western Review" and includes correspondence from many 20th century literary figures. Also includes drafts of published and unpublished books and short stories by West.

30 lin. ft. (60 bx.)

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

West, Ray Benedict, 1908-1990. (person)

Ray Benedict West was an author, editor, and professor. He edited a literary magazine (successively named The Intermountain review, Rocky Mountain review, and The Western review). West's publishing and teaching enabled him to meet many well-known writers during his career. He wrote several books and articles including Rocky Mountain stories (1941), Essays in modern literary criticism (1952), The art of writing fiction (1968), and The Kingdom of the saints (1957). From the description...